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Yocto Build (Manually)

Regular Host Mobility Yocto/OE-core setup⚓︎

To simplify installation we provide a repo manifest which manages the different git repositories and the versions used.

Before proceeding, please take a look at The Build Host Packages in the Yocto Manual.

Install the repo bootstrap binary:

sudo apt-get install repo


mkdir ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Create a directory for your mobility-bsp-platform setup to live in and clone the meta information.

mkdir mobility-bsp-platform
cd mobility-bsp-platform
repo init -u -b master
repo init -m kirkstone-next.xml
repo sync --force-sync

Set up environment variables:

export DIR_WORK=$PWD/
export BUILD_TAG=*optional build Tag*
export PLATFORM_VERSION="$(git -C $DIR_WORK.repo/manifests rev-parse --short HEAD)"
export PLATFORM_VERSION_DETAILS="$(repo forall -c 'echo $REPO_PATH\nLREV: $REPO_LREV\nRREV: $REPO_RREV; git diff --stat -b $REPO_LREV..HEAD ; echo -n "Commit: " ; git rev-parse HEAD ; echo -n "Uncommited changes: " ; git status -b -s ; git diff --stat -b ; echo ')"
echo "building with repo versions: $PLATFORM_VERSION"
#used to be TEMPLATECONF=$PWD/sources/meta-mobility-poky-distro/conf (before kirkstone export)
#if unsure what is supported see meta-mobility-poky-distro/conf/generic or hmx/ conf-notes.txt for more information to select correct path for your MACHINE build.
export TEMPLATECONF=$PWD/sources/meta-mobility-poky-distro/conf/generic
export TEMPLATECONF=$PWD/sources/meta-mobility-poky-distro/conf/hmx

export MACHINE=*target machine name (see conf/<template>/conf-notes.txt in yocto metadata)*
export DISTRO=*poky or other distro target*
NOTE! You will need to perform these exports for each new session. If you already have a build directory, it will be untouched and only the environment variables will be set.

Start baking!

$ source sources/poky/oe-init-build-env build;
$ bitbake {image}

where {image} is replaced by, for example, console-mobility-image, bitbake mobility-image or mobility-image-chromium.

The build result will end up in the mobility-bsp-platform/build/tmp/deploy/images/ directory.