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Legacy build system


To build, see the old mx4 repo.

Build environment⚓︎

Before building, we recommend having - approximately 30 GB of free disk space, - an SSD (it will make the build process go faster), - at least 4 GB of RAM, - at least 4 CPU cores (2 cores is a minimum).

Set up docker⚓︎

Install Docker: [Docker Install]
Create Dockerfile: touch Dockerfile
Copy this template into the Dockerfile and edit it:

FROM debian
# Edit Your Name and ””
MAINTAINER <b>Your Name</b> "<b></b>"
# Edit your username
ARG user=<b>your username</b>
# Edit your group, mostly the same as username
ARG group=<b>your group</b> 
# Edit your user id. Command to see user id, id -u $username
ARG uid=<b>your user id</b>
# Edit your group id. Command to see group id, id -g $username
ARG gid=<b>your group id</b>

# We need to change to root to be able to install with apt-get 
USER root
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y gawk wget git-core sudo cpio \
diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib u-boot-tools rsync cbootimage bc \
build-essential kmod chrpath socat mtd-utils device-tree-compiler mtools \
lzop dosfstools parted libncurses5-dev patchutils tmux vim curl python \
libsdl1.2-dev && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

ENV USER_HOME /home/${user}

RUN groupadd -g ${gid} ${group} \
&& useradd -d "$USER_HOME" -u ${uid} -g ${gid} -m -s /bin/bash ${user}
# Edit username to your username
RUN adduser <b>username</b> sudo
# Edit username to your username
RUN echo "<b>username</b> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

# Switch to user
USER ${user}

# Creates project folder. Returns no error if folder already exists
RUN mkdir -p <b>project</b>

# Edit ""
RUN git config --global "<b></b>"
# Edit "Your Name"
RUN git config --global "<b>Your Name</b>"
RUN git config --global push.default simple

Build Docker image⚓︎

Build the docker image using the Dockerfile and name it hostmobility/mx4

docker build -t hostmobility/mx4 .

Run Docker image⚓︎

# Edit user id 1000 with your user id. 
# Edit username with your username (both in ssh- and project path).
# Edit path to the project /home/username/project if needed.
# The project folder is the link between your environment and the Docker environment.
# Everything you put in the project folder from the Docker will be accessible outside the Docker.
# To make --privileged to work, it assumes that you have a SSH key associated with your github account.
# If SSH key is not set up correctly, you will be asked for username and password during the git clone process.
sudo docker run -it -u <b>1000</b> --privileged -v ~/.ssh:/home/<b>username</b>/.ssh -v ~/project:/home/<b>username</b>/<b>project</b> hostmobility/mx4

Example of how to set up an environment for MX-4 CT, branch BSP-v1.5.x⚓︎

Git clone from repository⚓︎

# If SSH key is associated correctly with your GitHub account, run the following commands:
git clone -b mx4-bsp-v1.5.x
git clone -b mx4-bsp-v1.5.x mx4/pic
# If not correctly associated, run follow commands:
git clone -b mx4-bsp-v1.5.x
git clone -b mx4-bsp-v1.5.x mx4/pic

Build CT-BSP-v1.5.x⚓︎

cd mx4/t20
# Remember to edit username to your own username and project if you
# named your project folder to something else.
# edit $(nproc) to number of cores you want to use while building.
./ -t ct -r /home/<b>username</b>/<b>project</b>/rootfs/CT -d /home/<b>username</b>/<b>project</b>/yocto-1.5.x -g -k -u -j <b>$(nproc)</b> -m -T 512

Building other platforms⚓︎

Please consult mx4#source-structure for the required repositories and branch names.

GTT v1.5.x⚓︎

git clone -b mx4-bsp-v1.5.x
git clone -b mx4-bsp-v1.5.x mx4/pic
./ -t gtt -r <b>UNIQUE_ROOTFS_PATH</b> -d <b>YOCTO_1.5.x_TEMP_PATH</b> -g -k -u -j <b>$(nproc)</b> -m -T 512

GTT-T30 v1.4.x⚓︎

git clone -b mx4-bsp-v1.4.x-ultra
git clone -b mx4-bsp-v1.4.x mx4/pic
git clone -b mx4-bsp-v1.4.x-tegra mx4/t20/linux_vf
git clone -b mx4-bsp-v1.4.x mx4/t20/u-boot_vf
./ -t t30 -r UNIQUE_ROOTFS_PATH -d YOCTO_1.4.x_TEMP_PATH -g -k -u -j $(nproc)

Example to setup environment for MX-4 V61⚓︎

# All products use mx4 and mx4-pic repository
git clone -b mx4-2.0
git clone -b mx4-2.0 mx4/pic

# Below are only required for products that have Linux and U-boot
# outside of the mx4 repository
git clone -b hm_vf_4.4 mx4/t20/linux_vf
git clone -b 2015.04-hm mx4/t20/u-boot_vf

Example of how to build Board Support Package (BSP) for MX-4 V61⚓︎

cd mx4/t20
# edit $(nproc) to number of cores you want to use while building.
[work in progress]
./ -t v61 -r /home/username/project/rootfs/v61 -d /home/username/project/ -u -k -j $(nproc) -g

See the List of supported distros.

The following packages need to be installed (the example below is for Ubuntu 14.10).

sudo apt-get install subversion git u-boot-tools cbootimage curl gawk wget \
git-core diffstat unzip texinfo build-essential chrpath autoconf flex bison \
device-tree-compiler mtd-utils lzop