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The C61 has a modem from Quectel called EG25-G with a GPS receiver.


Note: The modem is turned off by default.

echo 1 > /opt/hm/pic_attributes/ctrl_modem_on
* The modem takes about 10 seconds to start and register itself with the kernel. It then takes up to one minute before it is registered in the linux usb list.

  • Check USB TTY device to see if it has shown up.
find /dev -name "ttyUSB*"
  • The modem also shows up with the lsusb command.
root@10210100023:~# lsusb | grep Quectel
Bus 001 Device 007: ID 2c7c:030a Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. Quectel EM05-G

Status ON⚓︎

Example showing a modem start and running.

******* MODEM STATUS DUMP *******

ctrl_modem_status: 1342177491

Modem state     ON
Ctrl state:     ON

SLED:           0
SLED Mon:       ON

Modem EMG/reset:        0

Current state:  on
Prev state:     turn_on_timeout

Prev RC:        unexpected_shutdown

Start cnt:      0
Reset cnt:      0

EMG used:       NO


To disable the modem, set ctrl_modem_on to 0

To reset it use ctrl_modem_emg (emergency restart signal) and set it to 0, then back to 1 after a second.

echo 0 > /opt/hm/pic_attributes/ctrl_modem_on
# or (not to be used regulary because it could effect the memory)
echo 0 > /opt/hm/pic_attributes/ctrl_modem_emg

Production settings (default)⚓︎

  • Detect SIM card
  • AT+QSIMDET=0,0
    • Needs a restart to take affect
    • 0 Off, 1 On first parameter
  • GPS (not confirmed)
  • AT+QGPSCFG="autogps",1
  • AT+QGPSCFG="nmeasrc",1

Test SIM card⚓︎


Use WvDial to get a broadband connection⚓︎
