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Editing details and tools

Visual Studio Code⚓︎

You can get help with markdown and preview here as well with plugins:

Markdown All in One⚓︎

PlantUML VS Code plugin⚓︎

  1. In jebbs.plantuml plugin setting set plantuml.server to http://anansi.setekgroup.local:8081
  2. Allow http on localhost if you get a warning about http*

PlantUML Diagrams⚓︎

PlantUML can be used to generated diagrams


"Documentation Writer" as writer
"Read documentation " as (read)
writer --> (Write documentation)
writer --> (Publish documentation)
:User: --> (read)

Rendered as

Documentation WriterRead documentationWrite documentationPublish documentationUser

Use Own PlantUML Server⚓︎

mkdocs build needs access to server which we run on anansi.setekgroup.local:8081.

You can edit the server name in mkdocs.yml and run your own elsewhere, e.g. localhost, but make sure you don't commit changes to this file.

docker run -d --name plantuml -p 8081:8080 plantuml/plantuml-server:tomcat